Johto Fundgrube

Johto = Johto
Kanto = Kanto

Prof. Elm = Prof. Lind
Pokégear = Pokécom

New Bark Town = Neuborika
Cherrygrove City=Rosalia City
Violet City = Viola City
Bellsprouts Tower = Knofensa Turm
Ruins of Alph = Alph Ruinen
Union Cave = Einheits-Tunnel
Azalea Town = Azalea City
Slowpoke Well = Flegmon-Brunnen
Ilex Forest = Steineichenwald
Goldenrod City = Dukatia City
Radio Tower = Radioturm
National Park = National-Park
Ecruteac City = Teak City
Tin Tower = Zinnturm
Burned Tower = Turmruine
Olivine City = Oliviana City
Lighthouse = Leuchtturm
Whirlpool Islands = Strudelinseln
Cianwood City = Anemonia City
Mt. Mortar = Kesselberg
Mahogany Town = Mahogania City
Lake of Rage = See des Zorns
Ice Path = Eispfad
Blackthorn City = Ebenholz City
Dragon's Dan = Drachenhöhle
Dark Cave = Dunkelhöhle
Silver Cave = Silberhöhle

Das ITEM Pack heißt jetzt Beutel.


Weißes Apricorn:
Schneller Ball

Rotes Apricorn:
Level Ball

Blaues Apricorn:
Köder Ball

Pinkes Apricorn:
Liebes Ball

Schwarzes Apricorn:
Freundschafts Ball

Gelbes Apricorn:
Mond Ball

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